The support service allows you to predict the appearance and solve most problems instantly, even at the stage of occurrence.
After the creation of the site, it must be supported: to ensure smooth operation, making changes, you must make the necessary changes, update the relevant information. Our support team uses cost-effective technology solutions for working with tasks.
Communication with specialists takes place in the task management system - you see and can participate in the entire process, from creation to solution.
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If you are interested, here is our mail and phone:
- Email:
- Phone: 8 800 301-601-4
- Telegram: @TechinformBot
The exact cost of maintenance is calculated depending on your needs.
Below are the approximate prices for site maintenance.
Information and technical support of the site - from $100 per month.
We will help you choose the most convenient rate with the necessary set of works.
The typical set of work to maintain the site includes*:
- publication of text and graphic materials on the site;
- development of promotional banners;
- content management system update;
- operation system maintenance (Linux);
- payment of lease of a hosting;
- domain name renewal;
- security control (including anti-virus scan);
- website traffic monitoring.
* The scope of work is limited to 10 hours per month. In case of excess, the work performed is paid at the hour rate.